A Message From Our Board Chair
Dear Fellow Chamber Members,

On behalf of the Greater Nashua Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, I am disappointed to inform you that the Chamber’s President & CEO, Kate Luczko, has notified us that she has decided to resign her position with the Chamber.
We appreciate the work Kate has done during a year in which the COVID-19 pandemic has turned our world upside down. She leaves the Chamber in a strong financial position and with a strong staff who will help us manage this transition.
Over the past week, the Executive Committee and the Board have met to discuss our best path forward. An outcome of these discussions has been the creation of an Executive Search Committee, which includes the Executive Committee and several other Board members. The Committee has been charged with finding the candidate who can navigate our current COVID world, while having the skillset that will help us reimagine the Chamber in a post COVID time. Within the next few days, the details of the position and the application process will be posted on the Chamber’s website and various job boards.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to thank Kate for the changes that have been implemented over this past year, which leave us in a much better place to move forward. We wish Kate well in whatever direction her career takes her.
Brian Law
Chair, Board of Directors
A Message From Our President & CEO
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
It is with a mixture of excitement and sadness that I let you know that I have decided to leave my role as President & CEO of the
Greater Nashua Chamber of Commerce and pursue new endeavors. It has been an arduous year for everyone, and I have greatly appreciated the chance to be a part of supporting you, your organization, and the Greater Nashua community through these difficult times.
Despite the challenges, I am extremely proud of all that we accomplished as an organization over the past year+, a few highlights of which are:
- The Chamber has entered 2021 in a stronger financial position than that when we entered 2020.
- We have moved the office back to a fantastic spot on Main Street, which will be a prime location to participate in downtown happenings once we return to those activities.
- We outreached to all of our members and others in the community, including a handwritten note I sent to each member when the pandemic first hit.
- We transitioned our events to fit the new virtual stage, including the Eminence Awards, the Gala and Citizen of the Year celebration, State of the State, networking events (Happy Hour, Mug Club, and the recent mixer), iUGO socials, the Chamber Exclusive series, and member-led educational webinars, grew our professional networking groups, and kicked off a tremendous new Leadership Greater Nashua class.
- We launched a sparkling new website, and issued a beautiful edition of N Magazine!
- We evaluated, renegotiated, and took on new contracts for the Chamber, and created and refined policies and processes to benefit the Chamber internally, as well as those that will add value and clarity for our members.
- We created a group 401k program (MEAP) to help save our members money, provide value to their employees, and act as an additional member benefit.
- We created deep and lasting relationships both with important partners in the Greater Nashua region, but also collaborating with Chambers throughout the state, and especially regionally, through the Commerce Corridor initiative.
- And so much more!
Despite unprecedented circumstances, extraordinary progress was made, and the work continues…. Our staff are hardworking and dedicated, our Board of Directors is strong and filled with a group of passionate people, and the Chamber is well-positioned to embark on strategic planning and the creation of the Chamber of the future.
I depart with the satisfaction that I have played a role in something important during a time that none of us will never forget. I will miss the regular interaction with all of those who have welcomed me with open arms this year and with whom I have built meaningful relationships, even if some primarily through little “Brady Bunch-esque” squares on my laptop.
I have learned a tremendous amount in the past year, both about the Greater Nashua region and peoples’ unwavering commitment to the community, as well as the tenacity and strength of our businesses and nonprofits, but also about myself. I will use all of this knowledge and experience to determine what’s next for me.
So, to all of my friends and colleagues (new and old!), while I cannot send each of you a handwritten note as I might otherwise be inclined to do, please know how sincerely grateful I am for all you have done to welcome me to the community and involve me in compelling activities and conversations! I certainly look forward to continuing to watch the growth and evolution of the Chamber and Greater Nashua.
As has been said before, “Be well, do good work, and keep in touch.”
Kate Luczko
President & CEO