Leadership Greater Nashua

LGN Class of 2021 – Healthcare & Wellness

Thanks to our Program Underwriting Sponsor!

Leadership Greater Nashua’s November panel discussion centered on healthcare and wellness – a topic that has been at the forefront of people’s minds for the past year. The Chamber gathered some of the best and brightest in the field from organizations across the spectrum for a day long roundup of what healthcare and wellness looks like in the local community. From major hospitals, mental health support, public health, yoga, mindfulness and nutrition, LGN got a very detailed image of the healthcare landscape of Greater Nashua.

LGN heard from leaders of St. Joseph’s Hospital, Lamprey Healthcare, Foundation Medical Partners, Harbor Care, and Nashua Public Health about the benefits preventative care and open access can provide to a community. Representatives of Greater Nashua Mental Health, Southern NH Health, and Gatehouse Treatment touched upon the importance of providing high quality, innovative mental health and substance abuse treatments to those in need. Vibe Yoga, NE 360 Fitness and a local nutritionist, Lauren Pino, RN, gave wonderful examples of ways to increase well-being by incorporating new healthful habits into everyday life.

One of the biggest takeaways of the day was the sense of collaboration this sector of Nashua displays. All panelists spoke and agreed of the need for overall health, both physically and mentally, and how the two go hand-in-hand when trying to heal someone. With the uncertainty of the mental and physical repercussions the last year will leave, it’s reassuring and heartening to know that leaders in the field understand that and are actively working together to ensure Nashua continues to be the vibrant community it’s always been.


Nicholas Vaughan, Licensing Administrator, Adult Learning Center, Leadership Greater Nashua Class of 2021



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